Glossary of Major Keywords:
App/Application: It is a digital form in Wavity platform.
Data Control: Each field in the App is called a Data Control. Such as Text field, Number field etc.
Sub Data Control: For designing purpose each Data Control is divided as Sub Data Control. E.g.: Text field is divided into Text block, Two fields, Three fields etc.
Record: Each row in the App is called a record.
End User: S(he) is the one who can view and add the records to Apps if they have access.
Approver: S(he) is the one who can view and edit the records to particular approver section in Apps if they have access.
Manager: S(he) is the one who can view and approve the records of their subordinates.
Moderator: S(he) is the one who can view and edit the records created by end users if they have access.
Admin: S(he) is the one who does administration work such as adding users, groups, enabling settings etc. Admin also has the provision to edit or update application using App Designer or Wbots.
Solution Owner: S(he) is the owner of the solution or use case such as Ticketing solution or Asset Management solution.
Widgets: Widget is a component in the dashboard, that enables a user to perform a function or to navigate quickly to reports, analytics, table, links & bulletin.
Wbots: Wavity Bots (Wbots) enables you to automate all the workflow automation within hours and extend automation beyond your organization as well. Using WBots, you can move data between applications according to conditions you create. Admin or App Owner shall have access to configure Wbots.
App Designer: App Designer is an interactive development environment for designing an app/application layout with form fields. It is a zero code designer used to design an application from scratch by usage of data controls and its properties.
Collab app: All user/groups in the app have access to view and edit all records in that particular app. For example, In Inventory Management application, all agents shall be able to view and edit all asset information only if they have the access.
Company app: All users in the app have access to view only their records in that particular app. For example, In Ticketing application, each user shall be able to view and edit only the tickets created by them without giving any explicit access to users.
Team app: All user/groups in the app have access to view only their records in that particular app. For example, In Ticketing application, each user shall be able to view and edit only the tickets created by them by giving access to users.