Agents/IT Team & Procurement shall have the access to add an Asset in Inventory. However, End users shall not have the access to add an Asset in Inventory.
Adding Assets to Inventory can be done in 2 ways; 1) Add Assets manually, 2) Use Excel Sheets Import function.
Steps to Add an Asset in Inventory manually; Click on “Add Asset” in the quick links to add assets with complete description to the Inventory.
Agent can mention the type of asset which is required. Agent can also mention all the information such as configuration, manufacturer name, serial and model number.
In Description text box, Agent can mention in detail the description of the Asset to be added in the inventory. Agent can attach pictures, link or videos in the description box.
After filling in all the details such as Asset location, Warranty and Asset state; Agent shall click on “Save” to Add the Asset in to the inventory.
After addition of asset into the Inventory, Asset ID and QR Code Tag are auto generated as shown below.
You can Print the QR Code and Paste it on the respective asset. By using ‘Wavity’ Mobile App scanner, you can get all the information regarding the Asset including manufacturer, model, purchase date, description, serial number, asset location and quantity, warranty and Asset State.
Similarly, Agent can add multiple assets in the inventory using excel sheets. Click on “Inventory” in Agent Dashboard.
Click on Create tab on right corner. Select ‘from excel’ to import data from Excel sheets. Please refer below image.
Click on the file from your platform to be uploaded (Imported) into the application. If data is successfully completed, you will receive a message in the platform as below.
If the file imported is incorrect. Then, you will receive a notification ‘Records import failed’. Ensure the following conditions to avoid failure of imported file; 1) Ensure all the data and templates is matching with the application selected, 2) Ensure all the required fields are filled in correct formats, 3) Ensure all the column data matches with the template column, 4) Ensure that the first-row data matches with the first row of Template sheet.